

Setup Guide

First you have to become an ambassador. Check here for instructions.
Reddit with ambassador’s tasks is here.

0. Here we setup Moonbase Alpha testnet node!

1. Setup Docker

apt install snapd
apt install fuse
snap install docker

Log out from the system and log in again

2. Docker run

Change “NodesGuru” to your node’s name.

docker create --name=moonbeam \
--network="host" -v "/root/moonbeam:/$HOME" --restart=always \
purestake/moonbeam:latest \
--base-path=/data \
--chain alphanet \
--name="NodesGuru" \
--execution wasm \
--wasm-execution compiled \
-- \
--name="NodesGuru (Embedded Relay)"
docker start moonbeam

3. Checking

Check container:

docker ps -a

Container status should be “Up”:

Check logs:

docker logs -f moonbeam

Logs should be like the following:

4. Additional

Update node:

docker stop moonbeam
docker pull purestake/moonbeam:latest
docker rm moonbeam
docker create --name=moonbeam \
--network="host" -v "/root/moonbeam:/$HOME" --restart=always \
purestake/moonbeam:latest \
--base-path=/data \
--chain alphanet \
--name="NodesGuru" \
--execution wasm \
--wasm-execution compiled \
-- \
--name="NodesGuru (Embedded Relay)"
docker start moonbeam

How to stop the node:

docker stop moonbeam

Created by AndreyRudi#2065

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