


How to delegate Zeitgeist Tokens (ZTG)?


You can stake unlocked tokens only.

Commission = 20% (network commission)

Validator name: Nodes.Guru

Collator address: dDyatU4kt69zRTzVVKoN3nQk4hFsMntFqALmmRLRy6s38Q5bb

Link to explorer

The full guide:

  1. Go to Extrinsics Zeitgeist 1

  2. Choose parachainStaking in submit the following extrinsic tab: Zeitgeist 2

  3. Choose delegate(candidate, amount, candidateDelegationCount, delegationCount) in the next tab: Zeitgeist 3

  4. Insert our address (dDyatU4kt69zRTzVVKoN3nQk4hFsMntFqALmmRLRy6s38Q5bb) in the candidate field: Zeitgeist 4

  5. Insert the amount you want to stake (you should add 10 zeroes to your amount, so for example if you want to stake 1 ZTG it will be 10000000000): Zeitgeist 5

  6. For candidateDelegationCount field you will need to get the current delegations count for your candidate, do the following:

    6.1. Open Developer -> Chain state (or just click on the link)

    6.2. Choose parachainStaking

    6.3. Choose candidateInfo(AccountId32): Option<ParachainStakingCandidateMetadata>

    6.4. Insert your candidate address (in our case this address is dDyatU4kt69zRTzVVKoN3nQk4hFsMntFqALmmRLRy6s38Q5bb)

    6.5. Enable include option

    6.6. Press +

    6.7. Get the delegationCount number (in our case the number is 0 because we do not have delegators for now): Zeitgeist 6

    6.8. Fill out candidateDelegationCount field with value from delegationCount: Zeitgeist 7

  7. Fill out the delegationCount field with the number of your delegations from this wallet (if you do not have any delegations from your wallet on our delegator - value should be 0): Zeitgeist 8

  8. Result should look like: Zeitgeist 9

  9. Submit Transaction

  10. If success, you should see the following in your right corner: Zeitgeist 10

Verify staked amount:

  1. Go to Accounts
  2. Select your account, press a triangle in the right corner
  3. Amount in the reserved field is your staked amount: Zeitgeist 11

Bond more tokens:

  1. Go to Extrinsics
  2. Choose parachainStaking in submit the following extrinsic tab: Zeitgeist 2
  3. Choose delegatorBondMore(candidate, more) in the next tab: Zeitgeist 12
  4. Insert our address (dDyatU4kt69zRTzVVKoN3nQk4hFsMntFqALmmRLRy6s38Q5bb) in the candidate field: Zeitgeist 13
  5. Insert the amount you want to add to your current bond (you should add 10 zeroes to your amount, so for example if you want to add 1 ZTG it will be 10000000000): Zeitgeist 14
  6. Result should look like: Zeitgeist 15
  7. Submit Transaction
  8. If success, you should see the following in your right corner: Zeitgeist 16

Stop your delegation:

  1. Go to Extrinsics
  2. Choose parachainStaking in submit the following extrinsic tab
  3. Choose scheduleRevokeDelegation(collator)
  4. Select the account on which you want to stop delegating
  5. Submit transaction Zeitgeist 17 Wait 4 hours after that, then continue to do the following
  6. On the same tab choose executeDelegationRequest: Zeitgeist 18
  7. Choose your delegator address
  8. Choose your candidate address Zeitgeist 19
  9. Submit transaction
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