

Setup Guide

This guide for IronFish incentivized testnet phase 3.
Leaderboard available here. You should register in the leaderboard if you wanna be eligible for rewards.
Official documentation available here.
You can check the current network height in the explorer.
Ironfish is a miner software, so be aware of that when you choose your hosting provider (Webtropia for example). If you want continue use Webtropia – choose Dedicated servers.

One-line installation script is available:

wget -q -O && chmod +x && ./

Choose you wanted option (for example option 1 – simply installing the node), enter preferred node name and wait for installation to complete.

Then execute the following commands:

The steps below are optional, you only need to start mining to increase your balance, and mining will start as soon as you sync the node. By default, a wallet is created with the default name, which used for mining rewards, so you do not need to create a new one.

1) Load variables:

. $HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bash_profile

2) Create wallet:

ironfish wallet:create $IRONFISH_WALLET

3) Set created wallet as default wallet:

ironfish wallet:use $IRONFISH_WALLET

4) Check your balance:

ironfish wallet:balance $IRONFISH_WALLET


Before starting the miner, make sure that your node is synchronized with the network by running the command:

ironfish status -f

Enable Telemetry:

ironfish config:set enableTelemetry true

Send a transaction using your default account:

ironfish wallet:send

If you want to send the transaction from another account, you can use the `-f` flag


ironfish wallet:send -f MySecondAccount

In order to receive a transaction, you just need to tell the sender the public key of your account. If you do not know your public key, run the following command:

ironfish wallet:address

View the list of accounts on your node:

ironfish wallet

Export an account

ironfish wallet:export

Import an account from a file:

ironfish wallet:import filename

Delete your account:

ironfish wallet:delete MyAccount

You can get information about connection status and errors by running the following command:

ironfish peers

Export keys:

mkdir -p $HOME/.ironfish/keys
ironfish wallet:export> $HOME/.ironfish/keys/$IRONFISH_WALLET.json

Import keys:

ironfish wallet:import PATH_TO_THE_KEY

Check ironfish status:

ironfish status -f

Check the node:

journalctl -u ironfishd -f

Check the miner:

journalctl -u ironfishd-miner -f

Stop the node:

service ironfishd stop

Stop the miner:

service ironfishd-miner stop
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